The AML program is fairly self explainitory and most likely you aquired this program by downloading it from your local BBS. In which case you are pretty computer literate already.
To use AML you need to do the following:
(1) For every piece of media that you own you need to assign it a unique "catalog number". For store bought items such as Audio CDs you can simply use the UPC code that is right on the CD case in which case you can pretty much garauntee its uniqueness. For other items such as diskettes you need to assign them a unique number and label them approprietly. Even if you have multiple items on one piece of media such as multiple movies on one video tape you still only need 1 catalog number for that tape because when you tell AML that you're lending out a movie that is on "tape 33" it automatically marks any other movies on that tape as being loaned out. When you lend something out AML simply marks any other record that has the same catalog as being loaned out also.
(2) You need to enter your media items into AML. Most likely when you first start AML it has come with quite a few examples of records. You can delete these one by one by simply hitting the "DELETE RECORD" button located at the righ hand side of the screen. Note that AML won't let you delete the last record when there is only one left. To edit a record simply hit the "EDIT" button and the cursor will apear blinking in the "Title" box. Type in the title hit the TAB key to go to the next area to fill in(SHIFT-TAB to go backwards). When you get to the "Media Type" area you can use the arrow keys or click with the mouse. Once finished entering in a record you can add another by simply hitting the "ADD NEW RECORD" button. Note that records are automatically saved. If you go back to an already saved record and start to make changes and you goof simply hit the "UNDO CHANGES" button and the record will be restored to what it was. Once you move out of that record it is permanently changed.
(3) To flip through the records simply use the "PREVIOUS RECORD" and "NEXT RECORD" buttons. The "<<" button takes you to the very first record and the ">>" button takes you to the very last record.
(4) To loan an item out bring up the item to loan out and simply hit the "LOAN OUT" button and type in the name of the person who is borrowing it and then hit the TAB key to enter the date it was loaned out. Note that the current date is automatically displayed. Then hit the TAB key again. AML then will search all the other records to see if any other titles share the same catalog number so that they are marked as loaned out too. Thats it! When that person returns the media simply go to that record and hit the "RECEIVE BACK" button.
(5) To use the search feature first drop down the "SEARCH BY" box and choose an area to search. For example if I wanted to view all of my Audio CDs I would search through "Media Type" and lock on "Audio CD". Note when searching media types the "lock on" text has to match the way it is spelled out in the upper right choices. Another example would be if I wanted to see all the movies that I have that star Linda Hamilton I would set the "Search By" box to "Artist" and type "Linda Hamilton" in the "Lock On" box. When flipping through records with the "NEXT" and "PREVIOUS" buttons AML will only stop on records that meet the criteria. The "VIEW records that meet criteria" button will display a list of all the records that meet the criteria. You can double click any item in the list and go right to it.
(6) The "Inventory" button will display the totals of all of your different media types and their value.
That should be enough to get you started. You'll soon learn that the "search" and "on loan" features make AML a very valuable tool in tracking your valuable media items. The unregistered version of AML will work for up to 100 records. If you wish to add more you'll need to send the $50 registration fee to:
Robert E. Latshaw III
14300 Coastal Highway
Ocean City MD 21842
H: 302-537-2314 / W:410-250-7020
BBS: 302-436-9059 / Compuserve: 74167 2013
The $50 price tag may seem high to some but lets be realists! I know for everyone who registers at MINIMUM they'll give a copy of the registered version to at least 4 of their friends. I look at it this way if you and 4 of your friends each pitch in $10 then you each only paid $10 for a program that took me over 3 months of development. Not a bad deal I say.
Shareware programmers are definetly in that "starving artist" catagory. If we weren't starving we'd be able to box up our creations and you'd see them at your local Computer Store on the shelves at an even higher price. Please support the shareware concept.